運動是真實。買樓被迫要買發水樓,做大生意要衝破由官商勾結造成的壟斷,做小生意要面對政府的官僚及捱貴租。富家子弟可隨時獲頒最傑出CEO獎、大學榮譽學位等,但若要在運動場上揚威的話,他們要下苦功,要在同等規則下比試。運動是一種Meritocracy (能者居之) ─ 付出半斤才能得到八兩。
運動冇劇本。奧巴馬訪問中國,由扺達落機到回程上機的每一分鐘都依照事前的周詳計劃行事。奧巴馬見誰,吃甚麼,說甚麼,美國政府早已知道。我參加了十年毅行者,理應對這活動有一定的掌握,但我無法肯定下一年比賽能否完成,遑論創出佳績。奧巴馬曾透露,他最喜愛的電視節目不是CNN新聞,而是 ESPN的SportsCenter。
運動有情。運動過程中,我們的行為會出現變化,例如平日 Type A族會忽然特別關心他人,甚至認為強者應幫助弱者。在山上,見到陌生人叫聲早晨是正常事,但在屋企大廈電梯內,大家就沉默是金。在運動中我們彷彿變了另一個人 ─ 一個好人。
運動有尊嚴。2008年的毅行者,大熱門啹喀隊有隊員在比賽後段受傷,爭勝無望。領隊「將軍」認為只要受傷的隊員可以繼續行,就必須全隊四個人一起完成比賽,名次不重要。啹喀隊的支授隊伴着四名隊員浩浩蕩蕩一同走回終點,他們臉上流露出的是笑容,發出的是笑聲。終點前最後一段路,大家為啹喀隊夾道歡呼,There’s not a dry eye at the finish line。2009年毅行者不見啹喀隊的緃影,假如他們以後不再參賽,這就是我們對他們最後的回憶 ─ 啹喀隊永遠是毅行者冠軍。
撰文:蔡東豪 Tony Tsoi / 2009.12.19 逢星期六刊於《信報》
Hi Tony,
ReplyDeleteI agreed with what you said about Trail walker, we have been walking through all these 10 years. We have started in 1999 by sending 1 team as the first time, now we have 7 teams in this year.
Gradually this OTW has become part of our company culture; I am trying to say that OTW is one of the best tools for team building. I believe that if one has no persistence nor consistence, he can not complete 100Km every year.
There are too many people who do not understand the importance of Hiking and they do not buy the point to walk for health, they rather spend their time on the PSP, TV magazine and gossiping with their friends….on once in a whilst going to gym.
To most of the Hong Kong people, we are proud of doing thing in such a so called HK Way: be flexible…. But they twist the meaning of flexibility, they do things improper way… as I always mentioned people do jaywalking at the traffic light… throw the telephone heavily after receiving a nuisance telesales call. This is a reflection of one’s civilization (education) to certain extent…People going for oversea will gather at the shops of Luxury goods … They take picture at the City Hall of the landmark but never think of going in for the Concert…disappointing!
I am your honest audiences every Saturday morning 1100… I hope you can talk about more on how to change the attitude toward life for the young ones in Hong Kong... Wake them up…
I hope I can meet you on the trail…till then.
Thanks for your time …
HK Snob